California Economy and Taxes

Initial 12/14 Jobs Report: Modest Growth to End Solid Year for State January 26, 2015

The state's Employment Development Department released its first report, to be revised later, on December 2014 job growth in California.

U.S. Price Inflation Very Low Now January 17, 2015

Inflation in the U.S. economy was very low in late 2014, and further drops in prices are possible in early 2015. We discuss both the risks and benefits of low price growth.

Sagging Global Economy May Affect California January 13, 2015

Over the past few months, some of our major international trading partners have seen their economic growth slow. We examine how the California economy may be affected.

Effects of Lower Oil Prices on Economy January 13, 2015

In our Overview of the Governor's Budget, we note that lower oil prices should help the economy in the near term.

New Governor's Budget Economic Forecast January 13, 2015

We compare key economic variables of the Brown Administration's new Governor's Budget plan forecast with those from recent LAO and administration projections.

Administration Revenue Projection Higher than LAO Nov. Totals January 9, 2015

On an "apples to apples" basis, a preliminary review of the Governor's January 2015 budget proposal shows that it assumes that the "Big Three" General Fund taxes for 2013-14 through 2015-16 will be $1.3 billion higher than the LAO projected in November 2014.

Sales Taxes Close to June 2014 Budget Forecast January 8, 2015

December 2014 sales taxes were 4 percent above projections from last June's state budget act. This adds to the much larger gains due to last month's personal and corporate income tax surge.

December Income Taxes Far Above June Budget Act Projections January 8, 2015

The preliminary December 2014 income tax totals increase the chances that General Fund revenues in 2014-15 will be billions of dollars above what our office projected a few weeks ago.

State and Local Governments With Their Own EITCs January 6, 2015

We provide links to other states' and localities' tax agencies that administer their own EITCs.

November 2014 California Jobs Report December 19, 2014

In most months, we will provide analysis of the Employment Development Department's monthly California jobs report.

Prior California EITC Legislative Proposals December 18, 2014

Bills to create a state EITC in California have been introduced in the Legislature before. None have been enacted into law.

Key Resources Concerning Federal EITC December 18, 2014

We provide information on some key resources concerning the federal earned income tax credit.

What is the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit? December 18, 2014

The federal EITC is a major tax program whose purpose, over time, has moved toward increasing the rewards for paid work and reducing poverty.

Taxes Available for Retiree Health Costs Under Prop. 2 December 17, 2014

Proposition 2 sets aside a portion of California's General Fund tax money for 15 years for certain debt payments, including, potentially, payments to reduce the state's large unfunded retiree health liability.

Housing Costs Have Grown Faster Than Incomes December 17, 2014

Since 2002, on an inflation-adjusted basis, housing costs in California have grown faster than the total change in median household income.