Personal income tax collections in September were hundreds of millions above the Governor's projections for the month.
In its morning session on October 6, the California Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in a key state tax case, Gillette Company et al., v. Franchise Tax Board.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released August 2015 employment data for the nation's 387 metropolitan statistical areas and other metropolitan regions.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) has released state personal income data through the second quarter of 2015.
Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau released updated poverty statistics for states indicating that 16.4 percent of Californians—more than 6 million people—were poor in 2014. This poverty rate is down slightly from the 2013 rate of 16.8 percent, but remains higher than in the rest of the U.S.
The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released initial data on gross domestic product (GDP) in the nation's metropolitan areas.
In a recent post, we noted that vacation homes are becoming more common in many parts of California. This post provides a brief update on these trends incorporating newly released data from the 2014 American Community Survey.
The state jobs report for August 2015 shows a continuing trend of job growth and falling unemployment rates.
A look at American Communtiy Survey data shows notable movement of lower-income households from California's expensive coastal metro areas to the state's inland metro regions.
Focusing on California, we look at recent data published by Pew on federal spending in each state.
This post looks at county-level trends in vacation homes across California.
We answer some questions we receive about California's budget and the stock market downturn of recent days.
The Philadelphia Fed's July 2015 "coincident indices," a single economic measure considering various data, ranks California's economic performance over the past year as the 11th strongest among the 50 states.
We discuss new data on forgone state General Fund revenue resulting from the partial sales tax exemption on certain sales of manufacturing and R&D equipment.
The state released summary results of the cap-and-trade auction conducted on August 18, 2015.