California Economy and Taxes

November 2015 Jobs Report December 18, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and California's Employment Development Department have released preliminary November 2015 jobs data for the state.

Local Governments' Services & Their Property Tax Revenue December 16, 2015

We discuss the distribution of property taxes to the various types of California local governments.

Cap-and-Trade: November Auction Results December 11, 2015

We discuss recent data concerning November cap-and-trade auction results.

Fiscal Outlook: Personal Income vs. Income Tax Projections December 11, 2015

We discuss the distinctions between our personal income and personal income tax projections.

November 2015 Revenues: Sales Taxes Fall Short December 10, 2015

Preliminary tax agency data on November 2015 revenue collections has been received.

Understanding Your Property Tax Bill December 9, 2015

What are the different charges on a California property tax bill?

Limited Evidence California is Facing New Housing Bubble December 4, 2015

We briefly review the data concerning possible overheating in the state's housing market.

Fiscal Outlook: Property Taxes More Steady Than Home Prices November 18, 2015

Our Fiscal Outlook assumes continued growth in assessed values.

Fiscal Outlook: Proposition 30 Sales Taxes Expire At End of 2016 November 18, 2015

The expiration of the Proposition 30 sales tax increase affects the sales tax projections in our new Fiscal Outlook publication.

LAO Fiscal Outlook: Updated Proposition 30 Estimates November 18, 2015

In conjunction with the November 2015 edition of our Fiscal Outlook, we update our estimates for the revenue effects of Proposition 30 (2012).

Some Thoughts About Our New Fiscal Outlook November 18, 2015

A note discussing how we think of the scenarios in the new LAO Fiscal Outlook.

Oct. 2015 Income, Sales Taxes Above Projections November 9, 2015

Preliminary data has been released by the state's tax agencies concerning October 2015 state revenue collections.

Sept. 2015 Metro Area Jobs Data October 28, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released employment data for the nation's metropolitan regions through September 2015. Bay Area metro regions continue to be among the nation's leaders in terms of job growth.

U-6: Broader Unemployment Measure Continues to Improve October 23, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released its updated states' "U-6" measure (a broad measure of the unemployed, underemployed, and those who are not looking but who want a job") through the third quarter of 2015.

Sept. 2015 Jobs Data: Modest Net Job Growth October 16, 2015

The state's Employment Development Department has released job data for September 2015.