California Economy and Taxes

April 15 and Accruals: Complexity April 15, 2015

This note discusses the state's complex revenue accrual rules, which affect Proposition 98 school funding and various aspects of state budgeting, in the context of the April 15 personal income tax deadline.

February 2015 Income Taxes Far Above Forecast March 17, 2015

This post discusses February 2015 personal income, sales, and corporate income tax collections (the General Fund's "Big Three" tax sources).

Jan. 2015 General Fund Revenue Collections February 18, 2015

We provide preliminary data concerning January 2015 California income and sales tax collections (the state General Fund's "Big Three" tax revenue sources).

Sales Taxes Close to June 2014 Budget Forecast January 8, 2015

December 2014 sales taxes were 4 percent above projections from last June's state budget act. This adds to the much larger gains due to last month's personal and corporate income tax surge.

December Income Taxes Far Above June Budget Act Projections January 8, 2015

The preliminary December 2014 income tax totals increase the chances that General Fund revenues in 2014-15 will be billions of dollars above what our office projected a few weeks ago.

14-15 State Revenues $1.6 Billion Over Budget Forecast as of 11/30 December 16, 2014

The Department of Finance's Finance Bulletin, today's version of which includes November 2014 revenue data, is the key report on state revenues each month.

2014-15 Sales Taxes $188 Million Below Projections As of Nov. 30 December 8, 2014

Last week, data showed that personal and corporate income taxes together were $1.6 billion above June 2014 budget projections through November 30. New preliminary data on November General Fund sales tax collections indicate this tax is running a couple of hundred million dollars below budget act projections for the 2014-15 fiscal year to date.

Income Taxes $1.6 Billion Over Budget Projections Through Nov. 30 December 5, 2014

Most months, we will provide updates on California state tax revenue collections. These updates will come in several waves as information becomes available. In this post, we discuss November 2014 personal and corporate income tax collections.