July 2023


California State University Capital Outlay Projects

State-Supported Projects (Dollars in Thousands)

    2023-24   All Years
Campus Project Name Phase State Costa   State Cost Total Cost
Systemwide Infrastructure improvements P,W,C $52,819   $52,819 $57,819b
Maritime Boat basin and pier extension, phase 1B P,W,C 27,181   27,181 82,195c
Totals     $80,000   $80,000 $140,014
a Reflects amount of university revenue bonds authorized to support projects. Annual debt service costs, which CSU will pay using its General Fund support, is estimated to be $5.4 million.
b Campuses are anticipated to contribute up to $5 million in campus reserves for these projects.
c The campus is anticipated to contribute $55 million primarily in federal funds for this project.
P = preliminary plans. W = working drawings. C = construction.