July 2023

Financial Aid

California Student Aid Commission Budget

(Dollars in Millions)

  2021-22 Actual 2022-23 Revised 2023-24 Enacted Change From 2022-23
Amount Percent
Local assistance          
Cal Grants $2,233 $2,268 $2,311 $43 2%
Middle Class Scholarships 105 593 864 271 46
Learning-Aligned Employment Programa 200 300 -300 -100
Golden State Teacher Grantsa 56 147 104 -43 -29
Golden State Education and Training Grantsa 15
Other programs 38 46 39 -8 -17
Subtotals ($2,647) ($3,354) ($3,317) (-$37) (-1%)
State operations $23 $22 $34b $12 56%
Totals $2,670 $3,376 $3,351 -$25 -1%
General Fund $2,248 $2,955 $2,924 -$31 -1%
Ongoing (1,974) (2,499) (2,588) (88) (4)
One-time (274) (455) (336) (-119) (-26)
Federal TANF 400 400 400
Other funds and reimbursements 22 22 28 6 28%
a One-time initiatives.
b Includes $10.2 million in carryover funds for administration of certain initiatives.
TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.