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The 2020-21 Budget: Early Education Analysis


The 2019-20 Budget: Early Education Analysis

March 4, 2019 - In this report, we provide an overview of the Governor’s early education proposals, then analyze his three major proposals in this area. Specifically, we analyze his proposals to (1) fund facilities for more full‑day kindergarten programs, (2) make targeted one‑time improvements to the child care and preschool system, and (3) expand the number of full‑day preschool slots. We then assess the administration’s cost estimates for the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) child care programs. We end the report with a summary of our early education recommendations.


[PDF] Early Education Budget Proposals

March 26, 2019 - Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


The 2022-23 Budget: State Preschool

February 22, 2022 - The Governor’s budget includes several proposals related to State Preschool, with the primary goal of increasing the number of children with disabilities enrolled in the programs. In this post, we provide background on State Preschool, describe the Governor’s proposals, and provide our comments associated with these proposals.


[PDF] Child Care and Preschool: Overview of Programs and Budget Proposals

April 25, 2019 - Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on Education


The 2021-22 Budget: Transitional Kindergarten Expansion Package

February 5, 2021 - This post analyzes the Governor’s Transitional Kindergarten expansion proposals and offers comments for the Legislature to consider.


[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

March 16, 2017 - In this report, we analyze the Governor’s child care and preschool proposals. The report has six main sections. In the first section, we provide background on child care and preschool programs in California. In the second section, we provide an overview of the Governor’s child care and preschool proposals. In the third section, we analyze the Governor’s preschool proposals and make associated recommendations. In the following two sections, we provide in‑depth analyses of (1) the state’s various quality improvement activities and (2) Alternative Payment agencies, which administer certain child care programs. The final section consists of a summary of the recommendations we make throughout the report.


[PDF] California’s Child Care and Preschool Programs

February 29, 2016 - Presented to: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee


[PDF] The 2017-18 Budget: Proposition 98 Education Analysis

February 9, 2017 - An analysis of the Governor’s overall 2017-18 Proposition 98 budget package as well as his specific spending proposals for K‑12 education, including a summary of our recommendations.


[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

February 24, 2016 - In this report, we analyze the Governor’s child care and preschool proposals. The report includes (1) a high-level overview of the proposed child care and preschool budget, and (2) an assessment of the Governor's proposals to restructure California's child care and preschool programs. At the end of the report, we provide a summary of our recommendations.


EdBudget Tables (May 2016)

May 17, 2016 - At key times during the state’s budget cycle, we post tables containing important information about the education parts of the budget. This May posting reflects the 2016-17 May Revision proposals. The tables cover Proposition 98, K-12 education, child care and preschool, higher education, and student financial aid.


[PDF] The 2016-17 Budget: Analysis of Child Care and Preschool Proposals

April 12, 2016 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


The 2021-22 Budget: Child Care Proposals

February 11, 2021 - This post analyzes the Governor’s proposal to transition state administration of child care programs. We further provide options the Legislature could consider to support child care programs during the pandemic.

Correction (2/18/2021): A previous version of this post stated DSS released a draft of the transition plan. This version is corrected to state DSS released a transition plan guide.


[PDF] Overview of Child Care and Preschool Conference Issues

June 2, 2017 - Presented to Budget Conference Committee


The 2021-22 Budget: Special Education Proposals

February 4, 2021 - This post provides background on special education preschool and school Medi-Cal billing, describes the Governor's proposals related to these topics, details our assessments of the proposals, and offers associated recommendations for the Legislature to consider.