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80 Publications Found
February 27, 1980 - Analysis of the 1980-81 Budget Bill.
February 15, 1979 - Analysis of the 1979-80 Budget Bill.
February 16, 1978 - Analysis of the 1978-79 Budget Bill.
February 14, 1977 - Analysis of the 1977-78 Budget Bill.
February 9, 1976 - Analysis of the 1976-77 Budget Bill.
February 6, 1975 - Analysis of the 1975-76 Budget Bill.
February 1, 1974 - Analysis of the 1974-75 Budget Bill.
February 1, 1973 - Analysis of the 1973-74 Budget Bill.
February 1, 1972 - Analysis of the 1972-73 Budget Bill.
March 1, 1971 - Analysis of the 1971-72 Budget Bill.
March 1, 1970 - Analysis of the 1970-71 Budget Bill.
March 1, 1969 - Analysis of the 1969-70 Budget Bill.
February 20, 1968 - Analysis of the 1968-69 Budget Bill
February 24, 1967 - Analysis of the 1967-68 Budget Bill
February 1, 1966 - Analysis of the 1966-67 Budget Bill