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Analysis of the 1979-80 Budget Bill

February 15, 1979 - Analysis of the 1979-80 Budget Bill.


The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of California's Aircraft Ground Time Exemption

January 1, 1979 - Chapter 1169, Statutes of 1973 (58 911), modifies, for purposes of property taxation, the allocation formula used to assess aircraft owned by certificated air .carriers and scheduled air taxis. This act revises the aircraft assessment formula to exclude (1) all time prior to an aircraft's first revenue flight and (2) ground time in excess of 12 consecutive hours. The provisions of Chapter 1169 are effective for the 1974-75 through 1979-80 fiscal years, after which time the specified exclusions from the formula become inoperative. Chapter 1169 also requires the Legislative Analyst to report to the Legislature on the economic and revenue effects of this exemption. This report discusses (1) provisions of Chapter 1169, (2) background information on the aircraft maintenance industry, (3) state reimbursements under Chapter 1169, and (4) economic impacts of the exemption.


Alternative Public Transportation Funding For Los Angeles County

January 1, 1979 - Senate Resolution No. 46 (1978) directs the Legislative Analyst to study and recommend alternative means of providing increased funding for public transportation in Los Angeles County. The resolution requires that two specified alternatives be considered as part of the study: (1) a one percent increase in the motor vehicle in-lieu tax, and (2,) an increase in the motor vehicle fuel tax at a rate sufficient to raise between $30 million and $100 million.


Analysis of the 1978-79 Budget Bill

February 16, 1978 - Analysis of the 1978-79 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1977-78 Budget Bill

February 14, 1977 - Analysis of the 1977-78 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1976-77 Budget Bill

February 9, 1976 - Analysis of the 1976-77 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1975-76 Budget Bill

February 6, 1975 - Analysis of the 1975-76 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1974-75 Budget Bill

February 1, 1974 - Analysis of the 1974-75 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1973-74 Budget Bill

February 1, 1973 - Analysis of the 1973-74 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1972-73 Budget Bill

February 1, 1972 - Analysis of the 1972-73 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1971-72 Budget Bill

March 1, 1971 - Analysis of the 1971-72 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1970-71 Budget Bill

March 1, 1970 - Analysis of the 1970-71 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1969-70 Budget Bill

March 1, 1969 - Analysis of the 1969-70 Budget Bill.


Analysis of the 1968-69 Budget Bill

February 20, 1968 - Analysis of the 1968-69 Budget Bill


Analysis of the 1967-68 Budget Bill

February 24, 1967 - Analysis of the 1967-68 Budget Bill