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4,677 Publications Found
February 1, 1986 - Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Strategy
February 1, 1986 - Staff Development
February 1, 1986 - Teacher Shortage
February 1, 1986 - Dropout Reduction
February 1, 1986 - California State University: Instructional Deans
February 1, 1986 - Policy on setting nonresident charge level should be changed.
February 1, 1986 - The University of California should reduce the number of foreign graduate students in engineering and computer science by enrolling more resident California students in these programs.
February 1, 1986 - Faculty Salaries: incresase to achieve parity with comparable universities.
February 1, 1986 - The Increasing Costs of Tort Liability
February 1, 1986 - Population Growth in The Youth Authority
January 1, 1986 - Chapter 1256, Statutes of 1980, requires the Legislative Analyst to report each year on any previously unfunded state mandates for which the Legislature appropriated funds in a claims bill during the prior fiscal year. This report reviews those mandates initially funded by Chapter 573, Statutes of 1986.
December 1, 1985 - The Master Plan for Special Education (MPSE) is the program and funding framework through which California provides educational and related services to students with physical or mental disabilities and students with learning or communication problems. Under the master plan, funding is provided for special education programs, based on the cost of (a) direct instructional services and (b) ancillary support services.
December 1, 1985 - The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) is supported entirely by fee revenue, most of which is derived from credential and examination fees. These fees have generated adequate revenues to finance the commission in the past, but in recent years they have failed to keep pace with the commission's funding needs. Recognizing this problem, the Legislature (in the Supplemental Report of the 1984 Budget Act) directed the Legislative Analyst to examine alternatives to the present system for funding the commission. This report was prepared in response to the Legislature's directive. It (1) identifies options for funding the operations of the commission, (2) evaluates these options, and (3) provides our recommendations.