July 2022

Community Colleges

Budget Adds 26 New Positions at CCC Chancellor's Office


Positions by Division     Costa Key Responsibilities
College Finance and Facilities Planning (6)
Administrator I $179,000 Develop standards and regulations related to student housing. Provide technical assistance to districts interested in building student housing.
Specialist 156,000 Develop standards and regulations related to student housing. Provide technical assistance to districts interested in building student housing.
Specialist 156,000 Monitor fiscal health of districts. Review accuracy of fiscal and attendance data provided by districts. Develop alternative attendance accounting methodology for competency-based education programs.
Specialist 156,000 Monitor fiscal health of districts. Review accuracy of fiscal and attendance data provided by districts. Develop alternative attendance accounting methodology for competency-based education programs.
Associate Governmental Program Analyst 116,000 Provide support on Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF), including the hold harmless transition and updating SCFF dashboards.
Associate Governmental Program Analyst 116,000 Provide support for both fiscal and housing workload.
Digital Innovation and Infrastructure (8)
Information Technology Specialist III $187,000 Oversee upgrades to Chancellor’s Office’s data system. Ensure the integration of various statewide and systemwide data platforms (such as Cradle to Career and CCCApply).
Information Technology Specialist III 187,000 Oversee upgrades to Chancellor’s Office’s data system. Ensure the integration of various statewide and systemwide data platforms (such as Cradle to Career and CCCApply).
Information Technology Specialist II 170,000 Oversee upgrades to Chancellor’s Office’s data system and monitor quality of data submitted by districts.
Specialist 156,000 Support systemwide cybersecurity efforts. Oversee entity responsible for redesigning CCCApply. Serve as a point person for CCC on state’s Cradle to Career data system.
Specialist 156,000 Support systemwide cybersecurity efforts. Oversee entity responsible for redesigning CCCApply. Serve as a point person for CCC on state’s Cradle to Career data system.
Research Data Specialist II 139,000 Develop new data metrics, perform program evaluations, create and analyze student and college surveys, and manage data dashboards.
Research Data Specialist II 139,000 Develop new data metrics, perform program evaluations, create and analyze student and college surveys, and manage data dashboards.
Research Data Specialist I 127,000 Develop new data metrics, perform program evaluations, create and analyze student and college surveys, and manage data dashboards.
Educational Services and Support (8)
Specialist $156,000 Coordinate systemwide transfer reform efforts in support of Chapter 566 of 2021 (AB 928, Berman).
Specialist 156,000 Coordinate systemwide transfer reform efforts in support of Chapter 566 of 2021 (AB 928, Berman).
Specialist 156,000 Provide support on new ethnic studies course requirement. Provide support for initiatives on developing competency-based education and credit for prior learning.
Specialist 156,000 Provide continued support for Guided Pathways initiative as well as new state-funded programs, such as basic needs, mental health services, and the Rising Scholars Network.
Specialist 156,000 Provide continued support for Guided Pathways initiative as well as new state-funded programs, such as basic needs, mental health services, and the Rising Scholars Network.
Program Assistant II 136,000 Provide support on new ethnic studies course requirement. Provide support for initiatives on developing competency-based education and credit for prior learning.
Program Assistant II 136,000 Provide general support on systemwide implementation of common course numbering and transfer reforms.
Staff Services Analyst 88,000 Provide general support for entire division’s workload.
Other (4)
Attorney III (General Counsel) $213,000 Draft regulations. Aid in contract procurement and review. Monitor districts’ implementation of equal employment opportunity plans.
Specialist (General Counsel) 156,000 Review contracts and agreements. Write draft regulations pertaining to attendance accounting, remedial education, SCFF, and distance education.
Program Assistant II (Governmental Relations) 136,000 Edit and design legislatively required reports. Ensure reports meet Americans With Disabilities standards. Provide communications support to colleges managing crises such as wildfires.
Staff Services Manager I (Governmental Relations) 136,000 Manage staff that perform bill analysis and write legislative reports.
Total $ 3,921,000  
a Reflects salary, benefits, and operating/equipment costs associated with each position.