July 2022

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Spending by Program

(Dollars in Millions)

Change from 2021-22
Amount Percent
Apportionments $7,011 $7,773 $8,272 $499 6.4%
Categorical Programs and Other Appropriations          
Adult Education Program $544 $566 $603 $37 6.5%
Student Equity and Achievement Program 475 499 524 25 5.0
Student Success Completion Grant 159 163 413 250 153.7
Physical plant and instructional support 606 398 347 -51 -12.8
Strong Workforce Program 248 290 290
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 133 155 200 45 29.1
Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Program 200 200
High School Strong Workforce Program 164 164 164
Disabled Student Programs and Services 124 126 160 33 26.3
Full-time faculty 50 150 150
Student enrollment and retention strategies 120 150 150
Health care pathways for English learners 130 130
Apprenticeship programs 79 98 118 20 21.0
AB 19 enrollment fee waivers 81 73 91 19 25.8
Financial aid administration 76 74 82 7 9.8
Telecommunications and technology services 42 66 65 -1 -1.5
Hunger and homelessness initiatives 109 39 59 20 51.3
CalWORKs student services 47 48 51 3 6.6
NextUp foster youth program 20 20 50 30 150.0
California Healthy School Meals Pathways program 45 45
Mandates Block Grant and reimbursements 33 34 36 2 7.3
MESA program 3 11 36 26 239.5
Student mental health services 30 30
Institutional effectiveness initiative 28 28 28
Part-time faculty compensation 25 25 27 2 6.6
Cybersecurity 75 25 -50 -66.7
Intersegmental pathways portal 25 25
Rising Scholars Network 10 25 15 150.0
Part-time faculty office hours 102 22 24 1 6.6
Economic and Workforce Development 23 23 23
Online education initiative 23 23 23
Immigrant legal services/dreamer resource liaisons 16 22 22
Calbright College 15 15 15
Equal Employment Opportunity 23 3 13 10 361.4
Lease revenue bond payments 13 13 13 a -0.1
Nursing grants 13 13 13
Puente Project 2 9 12 3 32.2
Classified Employee Summer Assistance Program 10 10
Veteran resource centers 10 10 10
AANHPI Student Achievement Program 8 8
Umoja program 3 7 9 1 15.8
Foster Parent Education Program 6 6 6 1 8.8
Support for certain campus child care centers 4 4 4 a 5.3
Transfer and Articulation 1 67 2 -65 -96.9
A2MEND 1 1
COVID-19 block grant 33 650 -650 -100.0
Campus-specific initiatives 73b 172c -172 -100.0
Common course numbering initiative 115 -115 -100.0
Equitable Placement and Completion Grant Program 64 -64 -100.0
Hire Up Pilot Program 30 -30 -100.0
Native American Student Support and Success Program 30 -30 -100.0
Emergency financial assistance for AB 540 Dreamer students 20 -20 -100.0
Competency-based education work group 10 -10 -100.0
AB 1461/anti-racism initiatives 6 -6 -100.0
Instructional materials for dual enrollment students 3 -3 -100.0
Zero-textbook-cost degrees 115
Guided Pathways 50
Faculty professional development 20
High Roads Training Partnerships 20
LGBTQ+ centers 10
CalFresh outreach 3
Otherd 4 4 4 a 2.7
   Subtotals ($3,746) ($4,479) ($4,334) (-$145) (-3.2%)
Totals $10,757 $12,251 $12,606 $354 2.9%
a Difference of less than $500,000.
b Funds 15 programs/projects.          
c Funds 18 programs/projects.          
d Reflects funding for programs with less than $2 million each in ongoing funding (Academic Senate, district financial crisis oversight, and Middle College High School).
Note: Funding drops for many programs in 2022-23 due to one-time funding attributed to 2021-22 expiring.
AB = Assembly Bill. CalWORKs = California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids. MESA = Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement. AANHPI = Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. A2MEND = African American Male Education Network and Development. LGBTQ+ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and plus.