January 2021

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student)

   2019-20 Revised  2020-21 Revised  2021-22 Proposed Change From 2020-21
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Fund $6,062 $6,174 $6,413a $239 3.9%
Local property tax 3,252 3,414 3,598 184 5.4
Subtotals ($9,313) ($9,588) ($10,011) ($423) (4.4%)
Other State          
Other General Fund $658 $654 $663 $9 1.4%
Lottery 246 233 233 b -0.2
Special funds 18 41 96 55 133.3
Subtotals ($922) ($929) ($992) ($63) (6.8%)
Other Local          
Enrollment fees $455 $445 $447 $1 0.3%
Other local revenuec 5,011 4,168 4,098 -71 -1.7
Subtotals ($5,466) ($4,614) ($4,544) (-$69) (-1.5%)
Federal relief fundsd $614 $54 $1,280 $1,226 2272.0%
Other federal funds 287 287 287
Subtotals ($900) ($341) ($1,567) ($1,226) (359.9%)
Totals $16,602 $15,471 $17,114 $1,643 10.6%
FTE students 1,109,723 1,100,046 1,107,695 7,649 0.7%e
Proposition 98 funding per FTE student $8,393 $8,716 $9,038 $321 3.7%
Total funding per FTE student $14,961 $14,064 $15,450 $1,386 9.9%
a Excludes $327 million in proposed apportionment deferrals to 2022-23.
b Difference of less than $500,000.     
c Primarily consists of revenue from student fees (other than enrollment fees), sales and services, and grants and contracts, as well as local debt-service payments.
d For 2019-20, consists of $580 million in CARES Act funds for formula allocations (at least half of which is for emergency student aid), $33 million for community colleges designated as minority-serving institutions, and $425,000 for districts designated as institutions with the greatest unmet need. For 2020-21, the state designated $54 million from the Coronavirus Relief Fund for a community college COVID-19 response block grant. Funds for 2021-22 are from the CRRSAA. Amounts shown are estimates as of January 13, 2021. Of the estimated nearly $1.3 billion total, at least $290 million must be desigated for emergency student aid.
e Reflects the net of the Governor's proposed 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth together with all other enrollment adjustments.
FTE = full-time equivalent. CARES = Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security. CRRSAA: Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.