California Economy and Taxes

Industry Wage Growth in California November 8, 2017

In this post, we describe trends in industry wages in California between 1990 and 2016.

May Revision 2016: Economic Outlook May 15, 2016

We discuss the state's economic outlook, including the administration's assessment of the near-term economic outlook in the Governor's May Revision to his 2016-17 budget proposal.

Sept. 2015 Jobs Data: Modest Net Job Growth October 16, 2015

The state's Employment Development Department has released job data for September 2015.

2014 GDP Growth: California Outperforms Nation June 26, 2015

2014 California GDP growth outpaced the nation's in most economic sectors.


April 2015 EDD Jobs Report May 26, 2015

The Employment Development Department released its preliminary California jobs report for April 2015 on Friday, May 22.

3/2015: California Metro Area Jobs Data April 29, 2015

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released preliminary jobs data for metropolitan regions across the U.S. for the month of March 2015.

3/2015: California Nonfarm Jobs Up by 39,800 April 17, 2015

California's Employment Development Department (EDD) has released preliminary jobs data for the month of March 2015. Once again, jobs increased, and the state's unemployment rate declined.

Overview of Sharing Economy and Short-Term Rentals March 19, 2015

For a joint hearing of two Assembly committees, we examine the "sharing economy" and growth of short-term rental companies like Airbnb and HomeAway.

Silicon Valley, San Francisco, & Marin: CA Income Taxes February 4, 2015

A recent report on Silicon Valley discusses the region's economic growth. We consider the role that Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and Marin play in California's main state government revenue source, the personal income tax.

Initial 12/14 Jobs Report: Modest Growth to End Solid Year for State January 26, 2015

The state's Employment Development Department released its first report, to be revised later, on December 2014 job growth in California.

In Many Sectors, California's Job Mix Similar to the U.S. December 9, 2014

California has a greater share of jobs in professional/business services and information combined than those sectors have in the rest of the U.S. This can be attributed in part to the state's technology and entertainment industries.

California Exports Around the World December 6, 2014

International trade is important to California's economy. The state's key international trading partnerships are diverse, including countries in North America, Asia, and Europe.

California Gets Very Large Share of Venture Capital Funding December 5, 2014

Venture capital investments play a key role in financing new technology firms. California--especially the Bay Area--receives a very large share of such investments.