Mark Newton
(916) 319-8323
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Health, Developmental Services, and Technology
Jason Constantouros
(916) 319-8322
Medi-Cal/Managed Care/Family Health/Health Care Affordability and Workforce Development
Brian Metzker
(916) 319-8354
Privacy, Security, and Technology
Ryan Miller
(916) 319-8356
Medi-Cal/Behavioral Health/Covered California/CalHHS Agency Issues
Angela Short
(916) 319-8309
Child Welfare, Child Support, Community Services and Development, Community Care Licensing, CalSTRS
Karina Hendren
(916) 319-8352
Medi-Cal/Long-Term Care/Developmental Services
Will Owens
(916) 319-8341
Public Health/Behavioral Health/State Hospitals
Sonia Schrager Russo
(916) 319-8361
Juwan Trotter
(916) 319-8358
In-Home Supportive Services/Aging Programs
Ginni Bella Navarre
(916) 319-8342
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Human Services and Governance


Health and Human Services

To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


The President’s Welfare Reform Proposal: Fiscal Effect on California

August 11, 1994 - On June 14, 1994, President Clinton formally released his welfare reform proposal, generally designed to facilitate employment for AFDC recipients. This policy brief assesses the proposal's fiscal impact on California. It is a revised version of our July 7 report, based on more recent information.


Information Technology: An Important Tool For A More Effective Government

June 16, 1994 - While there have been many significant advances in the state's deployment and uses of IT since the state's first computer was installed in the mid-1950s, there remain fundamental problems that prevent the state from realizing a better return on its IT investment.


Supplemental Analysis 1994-95 Budget Bill: Department of Finance

May 3, 1994 - In our Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, we withheld recommendation on $2 million proposed to support the Department of Finance's Office of Information Technology (OIT). We indicated that there are serious, fundamental problems with the manner in which the state plans and implements major information technology projects, and noted that we were conducting a review of the state's information technology infrastructure. This supplemental analysis includes the major findings and recommendations of that review as they relate to the OIT.


California Update: The Fiscal Impact of Tuberculosis in California

April 1, 1994 - California Update: The Fiscal Impact of Tuberculosis in California


Department of Motor Vehicles Database Redesign

February 23, 1994 - Department of Motor Vehicles Database Redesign


Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Health and Social Services Chapter

February 22, 1994 - Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill, Health and Social Services Chapter


The President’s Health Care Reform Proposal: A Review of Its Implications for California

December 9, 1993 - The President’s Health Care Reform Proposal: A Review of Its Implications for California


Medi-Cal—Department Plans Major Expansion of Managed Care

February 1, 1993 - Medi-Cal—Department Plans Major Expansion of Managed Care


Collaborative Efforts to Coordinate Service Delivery

February 1, 1993 - Collaborative Efforts to Coordinate Service Delivery


California's Child Support Enforcement Program

January 22, 1992 - The child support enforcement program could be improved by changing the existing set of incentives that affect decision making on program funding. To accomplish this, we present two options for the Legislature. Under the first option, the responsibility for administration and funding of the program would be transferred from the counties to the state. In the second option, the state would provide a state-funded incentive payment to augment program funding, based on each county's efficiency as measured by the ratio of the marginal increase in child support collections to the marginal increase in administrative costs.


Implementation of Proposition 99—An Overview

May 24, 1991 - Proposition 99 (November 1988), the Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act, established a new surtax on cigarettes and tobacco products, thereby generating about $1.5 billion in new revenues for expenditure in 1989-90 and 1990-91. Assembly Bill 75 (Ch 1331/89, Isenberg) allocated the vast majority of these funds. Our review suggests that the major departments responsible for the implementation of AB 75 have generally made reasonable progress in the past two years in implementing the health services and health education programs the act established, although some programs are still experiencing delays in payments or are underutilizing the funds that are available. Our review also indicates that there is currently little data available with which to evaluate the effectiveness of programs.


Reforming California's Mental Health System

March 26, 1991 - California's mental health system is a partnership involving shared responsibilities between the state and counties. The system is governed by the Short-Doyle Act, enacted in 1957. The act requires the Department of Mental Health to provide leadership in administering, planning, financing, and overseeing mental health services, including local programs. Mental health services are funded primarily from state funds, with a required county match for certain services.


California's AFDC Program: Current Trends, Issues, and Options

February 13, 1991 - In this analysis, we document the recent increases in caseload and welfare dependency in the AFDC-FG Program and identify the factors contributing to this trend. We then examine various options—including the administration's proposal—which are available to the Legislature to help control the program's costs and reduce welfare dependency.


Child Abuse and Neglect in California: A Review of the Child Welfare Service Program

January 1, 1991 - The purpose of this report is to evaluate the extent to which the Child Welfare Services Program has been able to achieve the goals established by Chapter 978. Chapter I examines the growth in the program's caseload and costs since 1982. Chapter II evaluates how successful the program has been at identifying and serving abused and neglected children since 1982. Chapter III assesses the extent to which the availability of staff and services affect the program's performance. Finally, Chapter IV summarizes options for the Legislature to improve the performance of the program.


State Programs Serving Older Californians

February 21, 1990 - State Programs Serving Older Californians