Sara Cortez
(916) 319-8348
Special Education, Preschool, Child Nutrition, and Facilities
Kenneth Kapphahn
(916) 319-8339
Proposition 98, School District Budgets, School Transportation
Lisa Qing
(916) 319-8306
California Community Colleges
Michael Alferes
(916) 319-8338
Local Control Funding Formula, Charter Schools, Alternative Schools, High School Career Technical Education
Ian Klein
(916) 319-8336
University of California; College of the Law, San Francisco; California State Library
Natalie Gonzalez
(916) 319-8320
California State University, Student Financial Aid
Dylan Hawksworth-Lutzow
(916) 319-8308
Child Care, Expanded Learning, Teachers, and Education Technology
Edgar Cabral
(916) 319-8343
Deputy Legislative Analyst: K-12 Education
Jennifer Pacella
(916) 319-8332
Deputy Legislative Analyst: Higher Education



To browse all LAO publications, visit our Publications page.


Financial Aid: Major Budget Trends

August 14, 2018 - Presented to: Assembly Select Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education in California


California Community Colleges: Major Budget Trends

August 14, 2018 - Presented to: Assembly Select Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education in California


CSU and UC: Major Budget Trends

August 14, 2018 - Presented to: Assembly Select Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education in California


Education Overview

May 31, 2018 - To be presented to: 2018-19 Budget Conference Committee


The 2018-19 Budget: Analysis of the May Revision Education Budget Proposals

May 14, 2018 - In this report, we analyze the 2018-19 May Revision education proposals. We first provide an overview of Proposition 98 funding and then focus on the Governor’s major proposals for K‑12 education, child care and preschool, community colleges, universities, and student financial aid. In the pages that follow, we offer many specific recommendations for the Legislature to consider. Our package of recommendations includes adopting some proposals, modifying others in certain ways, rejecting others but inviting better proposals next year, and rejecting some proposals in their entirety.


The 2018-19 Budget: 2018-19 COLA for K-14 Education Programs

April 30, 2018 - On April 27, 2018, the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis released updated information that affects the cost-of-living adjustment for certain school and community college programs. In this post, we describe the new information and its implications for school funding.


The 2018-19 Budget: Meeting Workforce Demand for Certified Nursing Assistants in Skilled Nursing Facilities

April 27, 2018 - In this post, we provide background on new staffing requirements for certified nursing assistants working in skilled nursing facilities, describe the Governor’s proposals to address these new staffing requirements, assess those proposals, and make associated recommendations.


Apprenticeship Programs

April 24, 2018 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


The 2018-19 Budget: California State Library

April 13, 2018 - In this post, we analyze the Governor’s eight California State Library budget proposals totaling $9.7 million in associated augmentations. We begin the post by providing an overview of the State Library and its budget. We then describe and assess the Governor’s proposals and offer associated recommendations.


Apprenticeship Programs

April 12, 2018 - Presented to Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1 on Education


California Community Colleges State Operations

April 11, 2018 - In this post, we provide background on the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and then discuss the Governor’s proposal to provide a $2 million augmentation for 15 new positions within the office.


Online Community College Proposal

March 20, 2018 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


Community College Apportionment Funding Formula

March 20, 2018 - Presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance


The 2018-19 Budget: Grant Delivery System Replacement

March 6, 2018 - In this post, we analyze the Governor’s proposal to provide $7.4 million in 2018-19 for the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to contract for a new Grant Delivery System. Below, we first provide background on the Grant Delivery System. We then describe and assess the Governor’s proposal and offer associated recommendations.


The 2018-19 Budget: California Education Learning Lab

February 15, 2018 - In this report, we first provide background on online education at the California Community Colleges (CCC), California State University (CSU), and University of California (UC). We then describe the Governor’s proposal to create a new intersegmental online program, assess that proposal, and make an associated recommendation.