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December 1, 1986 - This report is submitted pursuant to Assembly Concurrent Resolution 169, Resolution Chapter 136 of 1986. Chapter I of this report offers a general overview of the Chancellor's Office, its duties and responsibilities, and its current organizational structure and staffing level. Chapter II presents an analysis of the resources needed to fulfill current mandates. Chapter III examines the resources needed to implement recommendations of the Master Plan Review Commission and the Legislature's Joint Committee. The final chapter summarizes our findings and recommendations.
February 1, 1986 - California State University: Instructional Deans
February 1, 1986 - Policy on setting nonresident charge level should be changed.
February 1, 1986 - The University of California should reduce the number of foreign graduate students in engineering and computer science by enrolling more resident California students in these programs.
February 1, 1986 - Faculty Salaries: incresase to achieve parity with comparable universities.
February 1, 1985 - University of California: Teaching Hospitals
February 1, 1985 - Transfer centers can be effective in increasing the transfer of students between the community colleges and four-year colleges. Nevertheless, our analysis of the Governor's transfer center proposal has identified two problems with it. First, the tripartite approach would require a good deal of coordination. Second, project ASSIST appears to be overfunded and resources are requested for it in the wrong budgets.
May 1, 1984 - Remarks to the California State University Executive Council, State University House, Los Angeles, California
November 8, 1983 - Statement by the Legislative Analyst to the Special Committee on Community Colleges regarding the General Fund condition and what it's prospects are for next year.
October 26, 1983 - Statement to the Assembly Special Committee on Community Colleges responding to a series of concerns regarding community college finances including (1) levels of funding since 1977-78, (2) the current funding mechanism (SB 851), (3) 1983-84 funding levels, and (4) the $30 million course classification reduction of 1982-83.
October 20, 1983 - Statement to the Senate Education Committee on the need for a long-term policy toward University of California and California State University tuition and fees, the criteria that could be used in setting tuition and fees, and the process that should be followed in adjusting tuition and/or fees.