July 2023

Child Care and Preschool

Child Care Budget

Dollars in Millions

  2021-22 Reviseda 2022-23 Revisedb 2023-24 Enactedc Change from 2022-23
  Amount Percent
CalWORKs Child Care          
Stage 1 $381 $532 $604 $71 13%
Stage 2d 402 270 315 44 16   
Stage 3 705 550 575 25 5   
Subtotals ($1,488) ($1,353) ($1,493) ($140) (10%)
Non-CalWORKs Child Care          
Alternative Payment Program $1,252 $1,834 $1,948 114 6%
General Child Caree 750 1,013 1,772 759 75  
Bridge program for foster children 54 97 115 18 19  
Migrant Child Care 65 69 70 1 1  
Care for Children With Severe Disabilities 2 2 2 -1 -22  
Subtotals ($2,123) ($3,015) ($3,907) ($891) (30%)
Support Programs $1,443 $1,139f $2,574g $1,435 126%
Totals $5,055 $5,507 $7,974 $2,467 45%
Proposition 98 General Fundh $2 $2 $3 $1 56%
Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 1,786 1,170 4,377 3,207 274  
Proposition 64 Special Fund 292 292 246 -46 -16  
Federal 2,975 4,043 3,346 -696 -17  
a Reflects 2022-23 May Revision estimates with LAO adjustments.
b Reflects 2023-24 May Revision estimates with LAO adjustments.
c Reflects 2023-24 Budget Act estimates with LAO adjustments.
d Does not include $11.1 million provided to community colleges for certain child care services.
e Includes family child care home education networks.
f Includes cost estimates for quality programs, alternative payment program capacity grants, child care infrastructure, Child and Adult Care Food Program, CCPU Health and Retirement Benefit Trust, COVID-19 relief policies, and AB 110, AB 131, AB 185, SB 116 supplemental rates, minus $1.048 billion of estimated 2022-23 unspent funds that were transferred to 2023-24 to cover MOU-related and parity actions.
g Includes cost estimates for quality programs, child care infrastructure, Child and Adult Care Food Program, temporary elimination of family fees, deposits in CCPU Health and Retirement Benefit Trust, plus a total of $1.416 billion in estimated unspent funds from 2022-23 and 2024-25 that were transferred to 2023-24 to cover MOU-related and parity actions.
h Reflects Proposition 98 funds for Child and Adult Care Food Program.
AB = Assembly Bill. SB = Senate Bill. CCPU = Child Care Providers United.