July 2023

California State Library

California State Library Funding by Source

(Dollars in Millions)

Change from 2022-23
  Amount Percent
General Fund          
Ongoing $42.1 $51.1 $51.5 $0.4 0.8%
One-time 90.0 265.9 522.6a 256.8 96.6
     Subtotals    ($132.1) ($316.9) ($574.1) ($257.2) (81.1%)
Remaining Funds          
Federal Trust Fund $26.1 $18.2 $18.2 b b
Central Services Cost Recovery Fund 1.7 1.9 2.6 $0.7 35.2%
Otherc 1.2 1.9 1.0 -0.9 -45.3
     Subtotals ($29.0) ($22.0) ($21.8) (-$0.2) (-0.9%)
Totals $161.1 $338.9 $595.9 $257.0 75.8%
Local Assistance 127.3 286.8 556.2 269.4 93.9
State Operations 33.8 52.1 39.7 -12.4 -23.8
a Reflects $506 million in funds carried over from the 2021-22 budget agreement (specifically, for the California Civil Liberties Public Education Act, outreach grants to ethnic media programs, the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, English as a Second Language Services, upgrading broadband equipment, and local library infrastructure grants) and $16.6 million in new one-time funding.
b Less than $50,000 or 0.05 percent.
c Consists of the California State Law Library Special Account, the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Administrative Committee Fund, and reimbursements.