July 2023

Higher Education

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment

Resident Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Students

Change from 2022-23
Amount Percent
California Community Colleges 1,111,055 1,082,160 1,047,839 -34,321 -3.2%
California State University     
Undergraduate 335,726 326,023 330,080 4,057 1.2%
Graduate/other postbaccalaureate 30,468 28,752 28,752
Teacher credential 8,778 7,480 7,480
Subtotals (374,973) (362,254) (366,311) (4,056) (1.1%)
University of California     
Undergraduate 195,861 195,597 203,661 8,064 4.1%
Graduate 38,381 37,624 38,011 387 1.0
Subtotals (234,242) (233,221) (241,672) (8,451) (3.6%)
UC College of the Law, San Francisco 969 1,022 1,036 14 1.4%
Totals 1,721,239 1,678,657 1,656,858 -21,800 -1.3%
Notes: CCC amounts reflects budgeted (not actual) enrollment levels. The CCC budget over the period shown includes certain emergency and hold harmless provisions, which effectively fund colleges at levels higher than they otherwise would be. In 2023-24, the state is funding 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth, but the expiration of certain emergency provisions result in a projected reduction in budgeted enrollment that year. At CCC, 1 FTE student is 525 contact hours per year, which on average generates about 24 credits. For undergraduate education at CSU and UC, 1 FTE student is 30 credit units. For graduate education at CSU, UC, and UC Law SF, 1 FTE student is 24 credit units. UC Law SF enrollment reflects resident enrollment in its juris doctor program.