September 2022

Community Colleges

California Community Colleges Funding by Source

Dollars in Millions Except Funding Per Student

Change From 2021-22
  Amount Percent
Proposition 98          
General Fund $7,392 $8,786 $8,953 $167 1.9%
Local property tax 3,365 3,465 3,653 187 5.4
   Subtotals ($10,757) ($12,251) ($12,606) ($354) (2.9%)
Other State          
Other General Fund $609 $622 $616a -$6 -0.9%
Lottery 275 273 273 b -0.1
Special funds 35 94 94 b b
   Subtotals ($918) ($989) ($983) (-$6) (-0.6%)
Other Local          
Enrollment fees $446 $405 $406 $1 0.3%
Other local revenuec 3,851 3,849 3,875 25 0.7
   Subtotals ($4,297) ($4,254) ($4,280) ($27) (0.6%)
Federal stimulus fundsd $1,431 $2,648 $0 -$2,648 -100.0%
Other federal funds 365 365 365 0 0.0
   Subtotals ($1,797) ($3,014) ($365) (-$2,648) (-87.9%)
Totals $17,769 $20,508 $18,235 -$2,274 -11.1%
FTE studentse 1,106,356 1,104,305 1,110,256 5,951 0.5%f
Proposition 98 funding per FTE studente $9,723 $11,094 $11,354 $259 2.3%
a Excludes $8 million one-time funds allocated by the California Workforce Development Board to Kern Community College District for the Farmworker Institute of Education and Leadership Development.
Difference of less than $500,000 or 0.1 percent.    
c Primarily consists of revenue from student fees (other than enrollment fees), sales and services, and grants and contracts, as well as local debt-service payments.
Consists of federal relief funds provided directly to colleges as well as allocated through state budget decisions.
e Reflects budgeted (not actual) FTE students. The budget over the period shown includes certain emergency and hold harmless provisions, which effectively fund colleges at levels higher than they otherwise would be.
f Reflects the net change after accounting for 0.5 percent systemwide enrollment growth together with all other enrollment adjustments.
FTE = full-time equivalent.