July 2022

K-12 Education

K-12 Proposition 98 Funding by Program

(Dollars in Millions)

Change From 2021-22
Amount Percent
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)          
School districts and charter schools $62,358 $67,057 $76,252 $9,195 14%
County offices of education 1,122 1,124 1,239 115 10
Subtotals ($63,480) ($68,181) ($77,491) ($9,310) (14%)
Categorical Programs          
Special Education $4,663 $5,486 $6,104 $618 11%
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program 754 1,000 4,000 3,000 300
State Preschoola 838 1,224 1,718 494 40
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant 6,500 1,436 -5,064 -78
Child Nutrition 174 227 1,417 1,190 525
Community schools 2,837 1,133 1,133
After School Education and Safety 646 672 795 122 18
Career Technical Education Incentive Grants 150 300 300
Mandates Block Grant 242 247 242 -4 -2
Charter School Facility Grant Program 137 144 184 41 2
Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant 331 3,081 149 -2,932 -95
Student assessments 117 117 105 -12 -10
Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program 120 35 90 55 157
Systems of support for low-performing districts 86 83 86 3 4
State special schools 62 70 70
Safe Neighborhood and Schools Program 24 28 38 11 39
Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program 57 28 30 2 7
Student Friendly Services (college planning) 7 13 27 14 107
Partnership Academies 21 21 21
Division of Juvenile Justice 22 22 17 -5 -23
Career Pathways Program 15 15 15
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence 17 12 12
Adults in Correctional Facilities 8 8 8 2
Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team 7 7 7 -3
California School Information Services 7 7 7
Agricultural Vocational Education 4 4 6 2 48
Specialized Secondary Programs 5 5 5
American Indian Education Centers 4 4 5 7
Specialized Secondary Programs 5 5 5
State Seal of Civic Engagement 5 5
Refugee student support 20 5 5
Standardized Account Code Structure replacement system 3 4 1 26
Green school bus grants 1,500 -1,500 -100
Classified Food Service Employee Training and Kitchen Infrastructure 150 700 -700 -100
Golden State Pathways Program 500 -500 -100
TK planning grants 300 300 -300 -10
Teacner and School Counselor Residencies 184 -184 -100
Community Engagement Initiative 100 -100 -100
Math and Science Professional Development 85 -85 -100
Dual enrollment access 150 50 -50 -100
Reading and Literacy Supplementary Authorization Grant 15 -15 -100
Model curricula development 1 14 -14 -100
Anti-Bias Education Grant Program 10 10 -10 -100
EWIG for English learners and students with disabilities 30 5 -5 -100
In-person instruction grants 2,000
Educator Effectiveness Block Grant 1,500
Learning loss mitigationb 1,445
A-G and College Readiness Grant Package 548
Special Education Learning Recovery Grants 450
Teacher Residency Grant Program 370
Literacy coaches and reading specialists 250
National Board Certification Incentive Grant Program 250
K-12 Inclusive Early Ed Expansion Program 250
Classified Teacher Credential Program 125
Alternative Dispute Resolution 100
COE pandemic recovery 80
Professional Development Infrastructure 50
Ethnic Studies Curricula Block Grant 50
Educator professional development for social-emotional learning 50
Early Math Initiative 38
21st Century School Leadership Academies 25
Children's behavioral health training for teachers 25
Supporting Inclusive Practices 15
Computer Science Incentive Grant 15
Dual Language Immersion Program 10
Professional Learning for Reading Instruction and Intervention 10
Climate change and environmental justice education 6
Ethnic Studies Personal Development 5
Medi-Cal Billing resource leads 5
Center on Teaching Careers 2 2 -2 -100
Other 11 7 8 1 21
Subtotals ($19,700) ($22,833) ($18,045) -$4,785 -21%
Miscellaneous revenues supporting LCFF -$16 -$16 -$16
Payment deferral adjustmentsb -1,149 3,000 -$3,000 -100%
Subtotals (-$1,165) ($2,984) (-$16) (-$3,000) -101%
Totals $82,014 $93,998 $95,524 $1,525 2%
a Includes $50 million each year for Quality Rating and Improvement System. Excludes non-Proposition 98 funding for programs operated by nonprofit agencies.     
b Reflects budgetary savings (-) or costs (+) associated with changes in the amount of funding deferred to the following fiscal year. A negative number indicates an increase in the size of the deferral.