July 2022

Proposition 98 Overview

2022-23 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

In Millions

2021-22 Revised Proposition 98 Spending Level $110,237
Technical Adjustments  
Prior year one-time spending -$22,792
K-12 categorical programs (declining attendance)a -258
LCFF adjustments 88
Other adjustments -0.1
Subtotal (-$22,962)
Proposition 98 Reserve Deposit $2,224
K-12 Education  
Additional LCFF increase above COLA $4,320
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) 3,000
New LCFF adjustment for declining attendance in school districts 2,816
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (one time) 1,436
Community schools (one-time) 1,133
LCFF growth and COLA (6.56 percent) 772
School transportation 637
Transitional kindergarten expansion 614
Child nutrition reimbursement rate increase 612
Universal school meals implementation 596
Special education base rate increase 500
Transitional kindergarten lower staffing ratios 383
COLA for select categorical programsa 360
State Preschool rate increase for three-year olds 240
Annualization of State Preschool rate increases 166
After school program ratesb 149
Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant (one time) 149
COE LCFF increase above COLA 101
Classified School Employee Summer Assistance Program 90
State Preschool adjustment factor for students with disabilities 73
Charter School Facility Grant Program (one time) 30
Special education extraordinary cost pools 14
State Preschool family fee waivers (one time) 11
California College Guidance Initiativec 14
California Newcomer Education and Wellbeing (CalNEW) 5
Seal of Civic Engagement 5
Extended hold harmless for Paradise Unified (one time) 2
Special education technical assistance leads 2
Agricultural vocational education 2
COE support for charter schools in differentiated assistance 2
Standardized Account Code Structure System replacement project 1
Single-district COE base grants for differentiated assistance 1
Medi-Cal Billing resource leads 1
Subtotal ($18,235)
California Community Colleges  
Apportionments base increases (beyond COLA) $600
Apportionments COLA (6.56 percent) 493
Facilities maintenance and instructional equipment (one time) 347
Student Success Completion Grantsd 250
Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance Program 200
Student enrollment and retention strategies (one time) 150
Health care pathways for English learners (one time) 130
COLA for select categorical programse 64
California Healthy School Meals Pathways Program (one time) 45
Extended Opportunity Programs and Servicesf 35
NextUp foster youth program 30
Enrollment growth (0.5 percent) 27
Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement program 26
California College Promise grant expansion (to returning students) 25
Cybersecurity 25
Disabled Student Programs and Services 25
Intersegmental pathways portal (one time) 25
Student Equity and Achievement Program 25
Apprenticeship program (credit rate) 20
Student basic needs 20
Rising Scholars Network 15
Classified Employee Summer Assistance Program 10
Equal Employment Opportunity program 10
Financial aid administration 10
AANHPI Student Achievement Program 8
Puente Project 3
A2MEND program 1
Foster parent education program 1
Umoja program 1
Umoja program study (one time) g
Subtotal ($2,620)
2022-23 Enacted Proposition 98 Spending Level $110,354
a Applies to the Foster Youth Program, American Indian Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Preschool, Child Nutrition, and K-12 mandates block grant.
b Backfills rate increase for After School Education and Safety Program and 21st Century Community Learning Centers programs that were provided in 2021-22 with one-time federal funds.
c Includes $9.3 million ongoing and $4.4 million one-time.
d Consists of $50 million for a caseload adjustment and $200 million to double the current award amounts.
e Applies to the Academic Senate, Adult Education Program, CalWORKs student services, campus child care support, Disabled Student Programs and Services, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, mandates block grant, part-time faculty compensation, and part-time faculty office hours.
f Includes $10 million for Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education, a program within Extended Opportunity Programs and Services for single parents.
g Reflects $179,000.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula, COLA = cost-of-living adjustment, COE = County office of education, AANHPI = Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander, A2MEND = African American Male Education Network and Development.