January 2022


Changes in California State University General Fund Spending

Reflects Governor's Budget Proposals, 2022-23 (In Millions)

Ongoing Changes  
Base augmentation (5 percent) $211.1
Retiree health benefit cost increase 81.5
Enrollment growth (2.8 percent)a 81.0
Pension cost increase 80.9
Foster youth programs 12.0
Other adjustments 0.1
Subtotal ($466.7)
One-Time Initiatives  
Deferred maintenance and energy efficiency projects $100.0
CSU Bakersfield Energy Innovation Center 83.0
CSU university farms 50.0
Carryover funds 1.4
Subtotal ($234.4)
Remove 2021-22 one-time funding -$981.4
Total Changes -$280.3
a Reflects an additional 9,434 full-time equivalent students over the 2021-22 level.