July 2021

Proposition 98 Overview

Proposition 98 Key Inputs and Outcomes Under 2021-22 Budget Package

(Dollars in Millions)

Minimum Guarantee      
General Fund $54,483 $67,685 $66,374
Local property tax 24,846 25,745 27,365
   Totals $79,329 $93,430 $93,739
Change From Prior Year      
General Fund -$263 $13,202 -$1,310
   Percent change -0.5% 24.2% -1.9%
Local property tax $1,070 $899 $1,620
   Percent change 4.5% 3.6% 6.3%
Total funding $807 $14,100 $309
   Percent change 1.0% 17.8% 0.3%
General Fund Tax Revenuea $143,406 $178,080 $174,610
Growth Rates      
K-12 average daily attendance -0.4% -0.4%b -2.0%
Per capita personal income (Test 2)c 3.9% 3.7% 5.7%
Per capita General Fund (Test 3)d 1.1% 24.5% -1.0%
Proposition 98 Reserve      
Deposit (+) or withdrawal (-) $1,889 $2,617
Cumulative balance 1,889 4,506
Operative Test 1 1 1
Note: No maintenance factor is created, paid, or owed over the period. 
a Excludes nontax revenues and transfers, which do not affect the calculation of the guarantee.
For calculating the guarantee, Chapter 24 of 2020 (SB 98, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) deems the change in attendance in 2020‑21 to be the same as the change in 2019‑20.
c Reflects change in per capita income during the previous fiscal year.
d Reflects change in per capita General Fund plus 0.5 percent.