January 2021

K-12 Education

Breakdown of Local Control Funding Formula

Formula for School Districts and Charter Schools, LAO Estimates of Governor's Budget Proposal (Dollars in Millions)

        Change from 2020-21
  2019-20 Revised 2020-21
Amount Percent
Main Components          
Base fundinga $51,098 $50,822 $52,491 $1,669 3.3%
Supplemental funding 6,384 6,350 6,559 209 3.3
Concentration funding 3,581 3,561 3,678 117 3.3
Subtotals ($61,063) ($60,734) ($62,728) ($1,994) (3.3%)
HTS and TIIG $1,304 $1,304 $1,304
Minimum State Aid 166 207 252 $45 21.6%
Economic Recovery Target 61 61 61
Otherb 91 93 93
Subtotals ($1,622) ($1,665) ($1,709) ($45) (2.7%)
Totals $62,685 $62,398 $64,437 $2,039 3.3%
a Includes funding for Necessary Small Schools.
b Includes funding related to inter-district transfer students, support for the State Special Schools, and the Education Protection Account. In 2019-20, includes $3.5 million to support the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. HTS = Home to School Transportation. TIIG = Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant.