July 2020

K-12 Education

Major Changes in K-12 Education Proposition Spending

Proposition 98 and Reappropriated Funds (In Millions)

One-Time Actions    
Payment deferrals Defers payments from the latter half of 2020-21 to the first half of 2021-22. -$11,042
Learning loss mitigation Funds activities mitigating learning loss due to COVID-19 school closures. (Budget also includes $4.8 billion one-time federal funding for this purpose.) 540
State Preschool Removes unspent 2019-20 contract funds. -110
Child Nutrition Provides up to $0.75 for each breakfast or lunch served between March and August 2020. (Budget also includes $112 million one-time federal funding for this purpose.) 80
Classified Summer Assistance program Allows classified employees to deposit a portion of their income earned into a fund that would be supplemented by state dollars and paid out in one or two installments during the summer months. 60
Early literacy Provides $50 million in early literacy grants for the 75 schools with the lowest performance on third grade standardized tests and $3 million to establish an expert lead in literacy within the statewide system of support. 53
Operating grants for two fiscally distressed districts Provides special grants to Inglewood Unified School District ($16 million) and Oakland Unified School District ($5.8 million) as set forth in Chapter 426 of 2018 (AB 1840, Committee on Budget). 22
Refugee student services Provides grants to districts serving notable numbers of refugee students. 15
Curriculum frameworks Funds one or more COEs to develop training and resources for implementation of the curriculum frameworks in health and history/social science. 8
Other Includes funding for the SACS replacement project, dyslexia resources, the fourth and final operations grant for the Southern California Regional Occupational Center, and development of distance learning and curriculum guidance. 12
Subtotal   (-$10,362)
Ongoing Spending    
Special education Increases base special education funding for the lowest funded SELPAs to $625 per student. $545
State Preschool Makes ongoing reduction to account for unallocated contract funds. -130
Low incidence funding Provides additional special education funding based on counts of students who have hearing, visual, and/or orthopedic impairments. 100
Exploratorium Eliminates ongoing Proposition 98 funding for program. -4
Other Consists of several minor technical adjustments.
Subtotal   ($512)
Total Changes   -$9,850
COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019. COEs = county offices of education. SACS = Standard Account Code Structure. SELPAs = Special Education Local Plan Areas.