July 2020

Higher Education

New Higher Education Reporting Requirements

Reports Due to Legislature

Program/Initiative Legislation Due Date
University of California (UC)
UCPath staffing and budget BBL November 1, 2020 and annually thereafter
Plan for managing budget reductions BBL November 1, 2020
Notification on whether to provide state funding for UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program (DOF) BBL April 1, 2020
Subject Matter Project actions to address
K-12 learning loss
TBL January 1, 2024
Allocation of emergency financial aid funds for undocumented students TBL January 30, 2021
California State University
Plan for managing budget reductions BBL November 1, 2020
Allocation of emergency financial aid funds for undocumented students TBL January 30, 2021
California Community Colleges
District requests for waivers from state payment deferrals (DOF) TBL August 1, 2021 and annually thereafter
Use of COVID-19 block grant funds TBL December 1, 2023
Allocation of emergency financial aid funds for undocumented students TBL January 30, 2021
California Student Aid Commission
Student loan work group findings BBL September 1, 2021
Unless otherwise noted, the reporting requirement applies to the segment.
BBL refers to the 2020-21 Budget Act as enacted in Chapter 6 of 2020 (SB 74, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) and amended by Chapter 7 of 2020 (AB 89, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review). TBL refers to Chapter 25 of 2020 (SB 116, Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review).
UCPath = UC payroll, academic personnel, timekeeping, and human resources. BBL = budget bill language. TBL = trailer bill language. DOF = Department of Finance. K-12 = kindergarten through twelfth grade. COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019.