January 2020

Child Care and Preschool

Child Care and Preschool Budget

(Dollars in Millions)

  2018-19 Revised 2019-20 Reviseda 2020-21 Proposed Change from 2019-20
  Amount Percent
CalWORKs Child Care          
Stage 1 $291 $324b $333 $9 2.7%
Stage 2c 563 615 588 -26 -4.3%
Stage 3 441 503 583 80 16.0%
Subtotals ($1,295) ($1,441) ($1,504) ($63) (4.3%)
Non-CalWORKs Child Care          
General Child Care $412 $522 $533 $12 2.2%
Alternative Payment Program 427 536 537 1 0.2%
Bridge program for foster children 41 58 60 2 3.5%
Migrant Child Care 40 45 45 d 0.2%
Care for Children With Severe Disabilities 2 2 2 d 0.2%
Subtotals ($922) ($1,162) ($1,177) ($15) (1.3%)
Preschool Programse          
State Preschool—full day $804 $883 $1,013 $130 14.7%
State Preschool—part dayf 538 548 549 1 0.2%
Transitional Kindergarteng 847 874 893 19 2.2%
Preschool QRIS Grant 50 50 50
Subtotals ($2,239) ($2,355) ($2,504) ($150) (6.4%)
Support Programs $144 $642 $197 (-$445) (-69.4%)
Totals $4,600 $5,600 $5,382 -$218 -3.9%
Proposition 98 General Fund $2,063 $1,847 $1,933 $86 4.7%
Non-Proposition 98 General Fund 1,496 2,382 2,147 -235 -9.9%
Proposition 64 Special Fund 0 80 141 60 74.9%
Federal CCDF 755 931 794 -138 -14.8%
Federal TANF 311 342 348 6 1.8%
Federal Title IV-E 10 17 19 2 12.2%
a Reflects Department of Social Services' revised estimates for Stage 1 and bridge program for foster children. Reflects budget act appropriation for all other programs.
b Includes one-time data sharing automation costs.
c Does not include $9.2 million provided to community colleges for certain child care services.
d Less than $500,000.
e Some CalWORKs and non-CalWORKs child care providers use their funding to offer preschool.
f Includes $1.6 million each year used for a family literacy program offered at certain State Preschool sites.
g Reflects preliminary LAO estimates. Transitional Kindergarten enrollment data are not yet publicly available for any year of the period.
QRIS = Quality Rating and Improvement System. CCDF = Child Care and Development Fund.  
TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.