July 2019

Proposition 98 Overview

2019-20 Changes in Proposition 98 Spending

(In Millions)

2018-19 Revised Level $77,867
Technical Adjustments  
Prior-year LCFF costs covered with one-time funds $475
Other adjustments 96
Categorical programs (declining attendance adjustments) -12
Other prior-year one-time spending -421
Subtotal ($138)
State School Reserve $377
COLA (3.26 percent) $39
2,959 full-day slots added in April 1, 2019 (annualize cost) 27
Non-LEA preschool (shift to non-Proposition 98 funding) -309
Subtotal (-$244)
K-12 Education  
LCFF COLA for districts and charter schools (3.26 percent) $1,959
Preschool-aged children with disabilities 493
Special education funding for historically low-funded regions 153
COLA for select categorical programs (3.26 percent)a 141
After school funding rates 50
LCFF COLA for county offices of education 13
Standardized school district accounting system (replacement) 3
Southern California Regional Occupational Center (one time) 2
Otherb 0
LCFF 2019-20 ongoing costs covered with one-time funds -250
Subtotal ($2,565)
California Community Colleges  
COLA for apportionments (3.26 percent) $230
College Promise fee waivers (extend program to sophomores) 43
COLA for select student support programs (3.26 percent)c 30
Enrollment growth (0.55 percent) 25
Student Success Completion Grant (caseload adjustment) 18
Housing for homeless students 9
Veterans Resource Centers 5
Otherc 0
Strong Workforce Program (ongoing costs covered with one-time funds) -7
Subtotal ($353)
Total Changes $3,189
2019-20 Enacted Level $81,056
a Applies to special education, child nutrition, mandates block grant, services for foster youth, adults in correctional facilities, and American Indian education. 
b Budget provides $300,000 ongoing to add Cal Grant reporting requirements to the mandates block grant, $154,000 ongoing to the San Joaquin County Office of Education to maintain the School Accountability Report Card and School Dashboard databases, and $24,000 one time to translate the School Accountability Report Card and School Dashboard into Vietnamese, Mandarin, and Filipino. (They are currently available in English and Spanish). 
c Applies to Adult Education, Apprenticeship Programs, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services, mandates block grant, Disabled Students Programs and Services, CalWORKs student services, and campus child care support. 
LCFF = Local Control Funding Formula. COLA = cost-of-living adjustment.