January 2018

Higher Education

Enrollment by Higher Education Segment

Resident Full-Time Equivalent Students

   2016-17 Actual 2017-18 Revised 2018-19 Proposed Change from 2017-18
Amount Percent
California Community Colleges 1,134,809 1,135,081 1,136,813 1,732 0.2%
California State University          
Undergraduate 340,962 342,495 342,495
Graduate/Other Postbaccalaureate 28,827 29,040 29,040
Teacher Credential 7,501 7,497 7,497
Subtotals (377,290) (379,032) (379,032) (—) (—)
University of California          
Undergraduate 180,737 185,090 186,590 1,500 0.8%
Graduate 35,417 35,966 36,308 342 1.0
Subtotals (216,154) (221,056) (222,898) (1,842) (0.8%)
Hastings College of the Law 812 800 815 15 1.9%
Totals 1,729,065 1,735,969 1,739,558 3,589 0.2%
At CCC, 1 FTE student represents 525 contact hours per year, which equates to about 24 units. For undergraduate education at CSU and UC, 1 FTE student represents 30 credit units. For graduate education at CSU, UC, and Hastings, 1 FTE student represents 24 credit units.
For CCC, reflects funded enrollment levels each year. For 2018-19, reflects 1 percent systemwide growth plus 1.5 percent enrollment restoration (certain districts earning back slots they had lost within the last three years), offset by a projected 2.4 percent reduction in districts with declining enrollment.
For CSU and UC, reflects actual enrollment in 2016-17, estimated enrollment in 2017-18, and projected enrollment in 2018-19.
For Hastings, reflects resident enrollment in its juris doctor program—its core academic program.