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80 Publications Found
February 18, 1965 - Analysis of the 1965-66 Budget Bill.
February 3, 1964 - Analysis of the 1964-65 Budget Bill.
February 15, 1963 - Analysis of the 1963-64 Budget Bill
February 9, 1962 - Analysis of the 1962-63 Budget Bill
February 1, 1961 - Analysis of the 1961-62 Budget Bill
February 1, 1960 - Analysis of the 1960-61 Budget Bill
February 1, 1959 - Analysis of the 1959-60 Budget Bill
February 1, 1958 - Analysis of the 1958-59 Budget Bill
February 1, 1957 - Analysis of the 1957-58 Budget Bill
February 1, 1956 - Analysis of the 1956-57 Budget Bill
February 1, 1955 - Analysis of the 1955-56 Budget Bill
March 1, 1954 - Analysis of the 1954-55 Budget Bill
January 26, 1953 - Analysis of the 1953-54 Budget Bill
March 3, 1952 - Analysis of the 1952-53 Budget Bill
January 1, 1951 - Analysis of the 1951-52 Budget Bill