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80 Publications Found
February 22, 1995 - Analysis of the 1995-96 Budget Bill
February 23, 1994 - Analysis of the 1994-95 Budget Bill
February 24, 1993 - Analysis of the 1993-94 Budget Bill.
February 26, 1992 - Analysis of the 1992-93 Budget Bill.
February 27, 1991 - Analysis of the 1991-92 Budget Bill
February 1, 1990 - Analysis of the 1990-91 Budget Bill
February 22, 1989 - Analysis of the 1989-90 Budget Bill
February 24, 1988 - Analysis of the 1988-89 Budget Bill
February 25, 1987 - Analysis of the 1988-89 Budget Bill.
February 26, 1986 - Analysis of the 1986-87 Budget Bill.
February 27, 1985 - Analysis of the 1985-86 Budget Bill.
February 22, 1984 - Analysis of the 1984-85 Budget Bill
February 23, 1983 - Analysis of the 1983-84 Budget Bill
February 24, 1982 - Analysis of the 1982-83 Budget Bill.
February 18, 1981 - Analysis of the 1981-82 Budget Bill.