Summary of LAO Findings and Recommendations on the 2012-13 Budget

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See Detail  Department of Conservation Proposal for 18 Positions in Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Reject Governor’s proposal for 18 additional positions in the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources because of lack of workload justification, the existance of existing vacant positions, and the need to evaluate a planned "roadmap" that may change the workload responsibilities for the division. 3-09-12
See Detail  Department of Boating and Waterways Public and private marina loan programs Eliminate the public and private marina loan programs operated by the Department of Boating and Waterways (DBW) and reduce Governor’s January budget request by $13.8 million from the Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund. 3-07-12
See Detail  Department of Parks and Recreation Strategies to address some of the funding challenges of the state park system Adopt strategies to help maintain the park system, such as transferring the ownership of some state parks to local governments, eliminating the use of peace officers for certain park tasks, allowing private companies to operate some state parks, and increasing park user fees and concession opportunities. 3-02-12
See Detail  Department of Parks and Recreation Continuous appropriation of $15.3 million from State Parks Recreation Fund Reject the Governor's proposal to continuously appropriate $15.3 million from the State Parks Recreation Fund because it would limit the Legislature's authority and not result in the stated goal of incentivizing districts to generate revenue. 3-02-12
Delta Stewardship Council Unallocated federal reimbursement authority Reduce Governor’s January budget request for federal reimbursement authority by $2.9 million. The Council has not received federal approval or identified a use for these funds. Approving the request would limit the Legislature's authority to approve funding for specific expenditures. This $2.9 million makes up 14 percent of the expenditure authority proposed for the Council in 2012-13. 2-23-12
See Detail  Department of Fish and Game Funding to implement Dungeness crab trap limit and tag program Reduce Governor’s January budget request by $138,000 for the purchase of crab trap tags. The earliest that these tags will be needed is November 2013; as a result, this funding is not needed in the current fiscal year. 2-23-12
See Detail  Oil Spill Prevention and Response 16 permanent positions to implement a fuel loading and unloading monitoring program Modify Governor’s January budget request for 16 permanent positions at a cost of $2.9 million from the Oil Spill and Prevention and Administrative Fund and instead approve the positions on a three-year limited-term basis to align the position authority with the expiration of the fee increase and monitoring requirements. 2-23-12
See Detail  Cap-and-Trade Program Use of cap-and-trade auction revenues Maximize use of cap-and-trade auction revenues to offset General Fund costs of existing programs that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and direct administration to provide a list by April 1, 2012 of current programs whose spending could be offset by auction revenues. Reject Governor's proposal to allocate auction revenues to specific programs following 30-day notification to the Legislature. 2-21-12