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Other Budget Issues

Last Updated: 5/29/2013
Budget Issue: Parole revocation positions
Program: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Finding or Recommendation: Reject the administration’s proposal to provide a one-time $8.3 million General Fund augmentation in 2013-14 for 60 positions for parole revocation activities because the administration has been unable to provide sufficient documentation to justify the positions on a workload basis.
Further Detail

We recommend rejection of the administration’s proposal to provide a one-time $8.3 million General Fund augmentation in 2013-14 for 60 positions for parole revocation activities. The administration argues the positions are necessary due to additional unanticipated workload but has been unable to provide sufficient documentation to justify the positions on a workload basis. In particular, the department has not provided the data necessary to support its claim that parole revocations will be higher than previously anticipated, or how the number of revocations drives the need for 60 additional positions.