LAO 2003-04 Budget Analysis: Capital Outlay Issue-By-Issue TOC Analysis of the 2003-04 Budget Bill
Capital Outlay Issue-By-Issue Contents


Crosscutting Issues

California Infrastructure Plan


What Is the State's Major Infrastructure?

The 2002 California Infrastructure Plan

Information Required

Department of Finance (DOF) Approach to Developing Plan

Plan Overview

LAO Review of the Plan

Positive Features

Suggested Improvements for Future Plans

Policy Issues

Assignment of Funding Responsibilities

Key Programmatic Decisions

Other Key Issues

How Should the Legislature Respond?

Assembly Constitutional Amendment 11


Background on Infrastructure Planning and Funding

What Kind of Infrastructure Has the State Previously Funded?

How Does the State Plan for Infrastructure?

How Are Infrastructure Projects Funded?

An Overview of ACA 11

What Is the Main Purpose of ACA 11?

How Would Transfers to the Infrastructure Fund Be Made?

What Happens if General Fund Revenues Slow or Decline?

Year-to-Year Revenue Changes

Revenue Declines Within the Year

What Other Special Adjustments Are in ACA 11?

Proposition 98

Debt Service

What Would Be the Fiscal Impact of ACA 11?

What Issues Would the Passage of ACA 11 Raise?

Funding Higher Education Capital Outlay

Year-Round Operation

Recommended Priorities and Criteria

Construction Cost Guidelines

Utilization of Facilities

Funding UC Research Facilities

Oversight of Lease-Revenue Bond Projects

Why the Legislature Has Funded Major Capital Outlay Projects in Phases

Concerns With Proposed Projects

Lease-Revenue Bond Projects Cannot Be Funded in Phases

How Should the Legislature Respond?

Departmental Issues

Judicial Council (0250)

Trial Court Facilities Act


Summary of the Facilities Act

Potential Fiscal Impact on the State

Issues for the Legislature

Adequacy of Revenue From Court Fees

Management of the Court Construction Program

Court Facility Guidelines

Department of General Services (1760)

Master Plan for Central Plant Is Not Yet Complete

California Conservation Corps (3340)

Sequoia District Relocation/Construction

Tahoe Base Center Relocation

Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (3540)

Recommended Approval of Four New Projects

"Facility Program Policy Guidelines" Establishing Prototypical Forest Fire Stations Are Not Complete

Department of Parks and Recreation (3790)

California Indian Museum

Reduce Funding Request for the California Heritage Center Project

Department of Developmental Services (4300)

Withhold Recommendation on Porterville Projects

Porterville Projects Linked With Those of California Conservation Corps

Department of Mental Health (4440)

Patton State Hospital Generator Plant Project—Approval Contingent On Review of Preliminary Plans

New Kitchen and Satellite Kitchen Remodels at Metropolitan State Hospital—Include Budget Bill Language on Legislative Oversight

Department of Corrections (5240)

Closure of the Northern California Women's Facility, Stockton

State Prison, San Quentin: Condemned Inmate Complex

Projects Recommended for Approval Contingent on Receipt of Preliminary Plans

Department of the Youth Authority (5460)

Institution Closure Report

Facility Condition Survey

Mental Health Treatment Facilities

University of California (6440)

UC Capital Outlay Plans Do Not Fully Reflect Year-Round Operation

UC Instructional Facilities Are Underutilized

UC Research Space Exceeds Standards

Projects Recommended for Reduction

Irvine: Biological Sciences Unit 3

San Diego: Mayer Hall Addition and Renovation

California State University (6610)

Utilization of Teaching Laboratories Meets Legislative Standard But Classrooms Lag

Capital Outlay Program Does Not Fully Reflect Year-Round Operation

CSU Plans at Brawley Are Unclear

California Community Colleges (6870)

Many Community College Districts Have Large Excess Capacity

Community Colleges Have Not Reported Utilization

Better Facilities Planning Information Is Needed

Projects Recommended for Deletion

Contra Costa CCD, Los Medanos College: Math, Science and Technology Building

Long Beach CCD, Long Beach City College: Industrial Technology Center, Manufacturing

Los Angeles CCD, East Los Angeles College: Fine & Performing Arts Center

Los Angeles CCD, Los Angeles Harbor College: Applied Technology Building