January 2018

Higher Education

California Community Colleges Proposition 98 Funding by Program

(Dollars in Millions)

Change from 2017-18
  Amount Percent
Apportionments $6,091 $6,207 $6,555 $348 5.6%
Categorical Programs and Other Appropriations          
Adult Education Block Grant $505 $500 $526 $26 5.1%
Student Success and Support Program 299 306 306
Strong Workforce Programa 248 296 296
High school Strong Workforce program 0 0 212 212
Student equity plan implementationb 155 160 160
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 123 125 128 3 2.5%
Consolidated financial aid programc 41 91 124 33 36%
New online community college 0 0 120d 120
Disabled Students Program 115 117 120 3 2.5%
Apprenticeship 54 55 103e 48 88%
Deferred maintenance and instructional equipment (one time)f 154 254 81 -173 -68%
Financial aid administration 73 73 73
Basic Skills Initiative 50g 50 50
AB 19 fee waivers 0 0 46 46
CalWORKs student services 44 44 45 1 2.5%
Lease revenue bond payments 47 33 32 -1 -1.6%
Telecommunications and technology services 28 34h 28 -6 -18%
Mandates Block Grant and reimbursements 32 33 33 —i 0.9%
Institutional effectiveness initiative 28 28 28
Part-time faculty compensation 25 25 25
Online course initiativej 18 23 23
Economic and Workforce Development 23 23 23
Innovation Awards (one time) 25 20 20
Nursing grants 13 13 13
Part-time faculty office hours 7 12 12
Fund for Student Success 6 9 9
Foster Parent Education Program 5 5 5
Support for certain campus child care centers 3 3 4 —i 2.5%
Equal Employment Opportunity program 3 3 3
Otherk 18 3 5 2 79%
Guided Pathways Grant Program (one time) 0 64l -64 -100%
Proposition 39 energy efficiency projects 49 47 -47 -100%
Subtotals ($2,192) ($2,447) ($2,652) ($205) (8.4%)
Totals $8,283 $8,654 $9,207 $553 6.4%
a 2016-17 trailer legislation folded $48 million CTE Pathways Program funding into Strong Workforce Program effective 2017-18.  
b Includes $5 million for veterans resource centers beginning in 2017-18.      
c Includes funding for Full-Time Student Success Grants and Community College Completion Grants. In 2018-19, programs are consolidated into new financial aid program.
dIncludes $100 million one time and $20 million ongoing.     
eIncludes $31 million one time to cover prior-year shortfalls.     
f2016-17 budget also provides $23.8 million in settle-up funds and $6.4 million in prior-year funds. 2018-19 budget provides $11 million in settle-up funds.
gIncludes $30 million for one-time grants.
hIncludes $6 million one time to develop an integrated library system.   
i Less than $500,000.   
j 2016-17 amount includes $5 million one time for a zero-textbook-cost degree initiative and $3 million ongoing to provide digital instructional materials for students who are inmates in Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facilities.
k Reflects funding for various one-time initiatives and programs with less than $2 million in ongoing funding (Academic Senate, transfer education and articulation, district financial crisis oversight, and part-time faculty health insurance).
l Also received $86.3 million in settle-up funds.