All Initiatives

A.G. File No. 2015-006

April 13, 2015


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Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9005, we have reviewed the proposed initiative
(A.G. File No. 15-0006) that creates a panel of state officials and California residents to evaluate the effects of transferring to the state of California legal authority that currently rests with the federal government.


Creates Panel to Evaluate Effects of Transferring Federal Authority to California. The measure creates a panel of 13 members to evaluate the effects of transferring to the state of California legal authority that currently rests with the federal government. Panel members would include the Lieutenant Governor, Director of the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development, the Legislative Counsel, two members from the Office of Legislative Counsel, and eight residents of the state with experience in specified fields.

Responsibilities Include Holding Hearings, Publishing Reports. The measure would require the panel to hold public hearings on the effects of transferring legal authority from the federal government to the state. Within 12 months of its first meeting or July 1, 2018, whichever date comes first, the panel would report on its findings from the public hearings and the effects of establishing California as an independent region within the United States. In addition, by that same date and annually thereafter, the panel would publish a report about how federal laws have affected California residents. The measure would also require the panel to report to the Legislature concerning its activities.

Fiscal Effects

State Government Costs. The likely state costs to implement the measure would be at least hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Because some of the panel’s responsibilities are one time in nature, state costs would likely be higher during 2016-17 and would decrease somewhat thereafter.

Summary of Fiscal Effects. This measure would have the following major fiscal effects:

  • Likely state costs of at least hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.